Geology 105: History of Life
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Study Guides
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Geology & Time
Diversity and Evolution
Origins of Earth and Life
Precambrian Life
Early Paleozoic Life
Late Paleozoic Life
Mesozoic Life

Geology & Time

Updated: 3/3/98

1)Which two geologic principles are most important in relative dating of rocks?
2)What is uniformitarianism?
3)How would you apply the principle of uniformitarianism in interpreting the origins of a sedimentary rock?
4)What types of depositional environments best display the principles of superposition?
5)What is a facies?
6)What is "Walther's Law"?
 A) What does it does it predict about facies relationships, why?
7)List three organisms that could produce environment-independent fossils
8)Why is the Hadean not considered a part of the geologic time scale
9)What types of fossils are found in the Cryptozoic Eon
10)Match the following fossils with the geologic time period when they occur
A. hominid bones
B. trilobites
C. first land plant fossils
D. first mammal fossils
E. dinosaur bones
1. Paleozoic
2. Cretaceous
3. Triassic
4. Pleistocene
5. Silurian
11)List the periods present in each of the following
 A) Paleozoic
 B) Mesozoic
 C) Cenozoic
12)What assumptions were made in determining the age of the earth based on salt concentration of the oceans?
13)Lord Kelvin suggested the age of the earth was relatively young.
 A) What evidence did he use? What information was he missing?
14)Why is Carbon-14 not used to age date dinosaur bones?
15)What is a half-life?
16)What assumptions were made in determining the age of the earth based on salt concentration of the oceans?
17)What pitfalls should you be aware of in using fossil clams to subdivide geologic time?