Geology 105: History of Life
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Lecture Notes
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Introduction and Overview
Fossils 1
Fossils 2
Geologic Principles
Relative Time
Absolute Time
Diversity of Life
Evolution and Diversity
Rates of Evolution
Plate Tectonics
Origin of the Earth
Origin of Life
Early Precambrian (Archean) Life
Late Precambrian (Proterozoic) Life
The Cambrian Explosion
Early Paleozoic Life
Late Paleozoic Marine Life
The Invasion of Land 1
The Invasion of Land 2
The Permo-Triassic Extinctions
Mesozoic Marine Life
Mesozoic Terrestrial Life
Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinctions
Cenozoic Life

Geologic Principles

Lecture 4

 Last week we discussed what fossils are and the processes involved in their formation.
 This week will look at a primary use of fossils, building the Geologic Time scale.
 To start off the discussion we will look at some of the guiding principles of geology.
Key Points
 Three principles form the basis for stratigraphic and paleontologic studies.
 These are principles, not laws. There are limitations
 Development of the Geologic Time scale relied heavily on these principles and their limitations.
 original horizontality
 lateral continuity
 The present is the key to the past
 Modern processes operating over long periods of time produced the earth features.
 Faunal Succession
 fossils or groups of fossils occur in distinct intervals of rock
 Correlation is possible based on fossil assemblages
 Subdivision of the rock record is possible based on fossil assemblages
Environmental considerations
 Depositional environments
 rock characteristics
 sedimentary structures
 used to map rock units
 facies distributions
 "Walther's Law"
 Laterally adjacent environments are stacked vertically
 Fossil distributions
 environment specific fossils
 used to detail/confirm environmental conditions
 environment independent fossils
 used to delineate time units
Time vs Environment
 Time units cross rock units
 example: Beach progradation
 point out where principles break down.
 Rock units are based on environment
 Time units are based on fossils
 Zonal fossils
 short period of existence
 wide distribution